Isn’t it time for the TAPP?

Sometimes you need a sounding board because you are not entirely satisfied with the way a department, division or hotel operates. Or because you are not entirely sure whether the strategy being pursued is also the correct one in the long term. You may also wish to improve your efficiency or implement your marketing communication.

We have developed the Trust Analyzer & Performance Pusher (TAPP) especially for these kinds of issues; it is a method for mapping out a hotel’s entire operations. By comparing the data with a comprehensive benchmark of comparable hotels, historical figures and the market, it is possible to indicate exactly on which elements the results can be improved and what the extra profit could amount to. The focus is on turnover potential (sales & marketing and revenue management) and efficiency optimization per department.

In close consultation with the hotelier a strategic plan can be drawn up which, depending on requirements and available knowledge, can be implemented with the assistance of Trust Consultancy.

If you would like to know more about our way of working or would like an informal intake interview, send a mail to Bas Tolmeijer via or call him directly on +31 (0) 653 319 010.
Feasibility and Concept >>>